This year you will be hearing more about the Round House and the efforts to save it. Please keep in mind all of the other historical buildings we have lost in the past few years. Should this one go also or should it be saved if the means to do so is there?
Dear Frankfort citizens....don't forget your past. Recently I toured the square and the only 2 buildings I recognized was Ellis Jewlers and the Farmer's Bank. Support your local merchants or you will have only one store....Walmart!!!
Frankfort was hands down THE BEST PLACE to grow up in and hopefully it will return to its rightful place once again!!
Yes, downtown has changed and it will never be like it was in the past. However, there is some hope. The Frankfort-Midwest Rail Heritage Trust organization will be acquiring the old Roundhouse office on September 15th. This will allow them to gain access to the property and start doing what is possible to stop the deterioration of the site. Some grants have been filed and hopefully we will start seeing something happen with the old roundhouse. It will be a long process but at least it is an important part of Frankfort's History that needs to be preserved.
There are so many people who want this to happen. Anything is possible if we have the vision and the enthusiasm to make it happen.